Associazione Radioamatori Italiani - Sezione Colli Euganei - IQ3IY - Abano terme (PD)

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Rules Contest Veneto V-U-SHF 2018

Contest Veneto V-U-SHF 2018
rules 144/432/1296 MHz

Organized by the ARI Veneto Regional Committee
and managed by the ARI Section Colli Euganei - Abano Terme (PD).

The Veneto Contest wants to bring together VHF & UP frequencies fans to reach new goals
and to experiment new solutions.

Participation is open to all Italian and Foreign OMs.

o Dates and times: Saturday 12 may 2018 from 12:00 to 16:00 UTC - 432/1296 MHz
Sunday 13 may, 2018 from 07:00 to 11:00 UTC - 144 MHz

o Emission modes: SSB - CW

o Categories:
2F - 144 MHz Fixed Stations
2P - 144 MHz Portable Stations
3F - 432 MHz Fixed Stations
3P - 432 MHz Portable Stations
4F - 1296 MHz Fixed Stations
4P - 1296 MHz Portable Stations

o Reports: RS (T) , progressive number and full WWLocator (eg 59 (9) 001 JN55VI).
Each WWLoc Square (eg JN55 - JN65), connected for the first time, is a multiplier.

o Score: Each station can only be connected once per band regardless of the mode
of emission. For all categories the score will be calculated based on one point / km.
The total QRBs will be multiplied by the number of connected WWLoc Squares.

o Portable Stations - Definition: Portable stations must have the Field-Day type feature,
that is: autonomous power supply (batteries, generators, solar cells, etc.) the use of caravans,
camper, tent, car, etc. They cannot operate from buildings or use antennas permanently installed;.
The portable stations not covered by the above features will be classified as fixed.

o Callsign: It is the faculty of participating stations (fixed or portable), if they are outside the
own QTH, to use the callsign/call-area even if outside the same. It's not allowed to change the
name and / or the callsign during the competition)
It's necessary to use the same Call from the first QSO performed until the end of contest itself.

o Log: Logs should be sent in EDI format. Files should be renamed with
CATEGORY-CALLSIGN.edi (example: 2F-IW3AAA.edi or 3P-IK3BBB.edi).

The logs will have to be separated by band, and they will have to return the participation
category and everyone the data useful for the control.

o Awards : The first three OMs will be awarded by category with a minimum of 12 participants per
category, otherwise only the first ranked will be awarded.

SPECIAL Award for participation, drawn, among all the non-awarded OMs that dispatched the log
Each category allows you to have an extra opportunity in the draw.
The awards will be held during the Romagna 2018 Conference in Ravenna.

o Logs must be received on 21 May 2018 to the e-mail address:
Paper logs will not be accepted.
Reception will be confirmed by mail.

o Checks: possible disqualifications or reductions in scoring, due to misuse, misconduct or other
unjustified reasons, will be determined by the organizers.

o Comments on the contest: propagation, work's conditions, photos etc ... will be highly appreciated and will be published on the site of ARI Abano Terme Section:

The Contest Veneto 2018 Manager
Graziano Campagnolo IK3SSG

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